Threshold of Annihilation (The Firebird Chronicles Book 3) Page 39
It was different than Tuann armor, consisting of plates set one on top of another to allow freedom of movement.
Kira thrust her staff forward, fracturing the panes of light. The Haldeel weren't the only ones capable of showmanship.
"Kira, look!" Jin spun in a circle, showing off his own set of interlocking armor that hovered an inch off his sphere.
His crazy swoops resembled the antics of a toddler hyped up on sugar.
"Was creating your own set of armor really necessary?"
Jin stopped in front of her and sniffed. "Why should you get armor if I don't?"
Kira prodded his armor with her spear. "Because I have limbs and other things you don't."
"The Haldeel are thoughtful—unlike some."
"You're ridiculous."
"You mean ridiculously awesome," Jin corrected.
The beat of several drums echoed around them, first slow but picking up tempo.
Lieven crouched, his lower appendages spreading out from his body with the staff held parallel to the ground.
"Get ready," Jin warned, abandoning Kira to take a position above her and to her left.
Kira didn't argue, adopting a stance of beginning. She lowered one knee to the floor and planted the other foot.
Time for a little flare.
Kira twirled the staff twice before setting it flat against her arm and holding both parallel to the ground.
Just in time as the drums went silent, only to be replaced by the lonesome cry of a wind instrument.
Kira inhaled once, then twice.
It was time.
The drums started up again.
Lieven was the first to his feet, gliding across his room in a set pattern as he sought the exit.
Kira remained in place, studying her surroundings
Being the first out of the labyrinth wasn't enough.
For a puzzle like this, she needed to up her game. Not just win but do it as elegantly and prettily as possible. Form and function, two halves of the same whole. They were the foundations Haldeel society was based on.
Lieven paced in a circle, the butt of his staff pointed toward the ground. From his movements, Kira assumed he had almost found the way out.
Instead of hurrying to start, Kira remained in place, waiting as the music built in intensity.
The pattern would show itself. She just needed to wait.
Kira tapped the butt of the staff against the floor in time with the drums, each tap sending out flares of light that spread like ripples on a pond through the ground below her.
The ripples met the wall and cascaded, exposing a small distortion in their pattern.
Kira moved, darting forward and sliding through the small opening next to the floor in an instant.
Jin dove after her, barely escaping before the exit was concealed again.
Kira straightened from her crouch before rotating the staff in a flashy figure eight. First with one hand then the other, switching off in a continuous movement.
She spun, her staff a whirling dervish before her as she danced on light feet across the floor.
She dodged as a section of the wall sailed toward her, avoiding it by millimeters.
She planted the butt of the spear against the ground, using it as leverage to launch herself into the air. She twisted, flipping over the pit that had suddenly opened up.
With cat-like grace, she landed on the opposite side, only to sprint forward and run up the next wall.
Kira grabbed the opening to the next floor and pulled herself up.
Jin hummed as he followed her onto the second level.
Burnt umber slashed at her. Kira bent backward, barely escaping Lieven's staff. She straightened, blocking the next attack.
Sparks flew as their staffs collided.
In the next second, they spun away from each other as a transparent wall popped up from the floor. Kira turned on her heel and sprinted in the opposite direction.
Several similar exchanges played out over the next minutes as they fought their way to the third floor.
They broke through the barrier at the same time. Abruptly, the floor pitched below her, rotating around the edge of the labyrinth.
Kira raced counter-clockwise to the floor's movement. It took only seconds to realize her actions wouldn’t offset the speed.
She kicked off one wall, then the next, using them to keep her forward momentum before diving onto the next level.
Once again, Lieven and Kira reached the next floor within seconds of each other.
By now, they were both breathing hard, the labyrinth pushing their limits.
Despite that, there was no time to rest.
Kira barely avoided falling through the floor as it dissolved under her feet. There was no choice but to race ahead. A single moment of hesitation would send her back a level.
The traps came faster, testing Kira's reaction time until it was all she could do to keep up.
Jin hummed in time to the music as he found his own way, sometimes ahead of Kira, sometimes slightly behind.
Soon, Kira made it onto the fifth and final floor.
Her breath burned her lungs.
By now, instinct and muscle memory were the only things guiding her movements as the labyrinth shifted, its walls and floor changing position every other second, their transformation coming faster with every iteration.
Kira persevered, waiting for her moment. That tiny break that would lead to her salvation.
She waited, her breathing getting choppier as her body begged for respite.
It flashed, there and gone in a split second.
Kira didn't hesitate, bursting through the instability in the wall.
At the last second, she grabbed for the blue ribbon of light as she plunged toward the ground. She caught it, using it as leverage to slow her descent.
With one last push, Kira leapt away from its wall, flipping and landing with a flourish.
When she straightened, she wasn't surprised to see Lieven holding his own ribbon of light having landed within seconds of her.
In the same second, they both touched the end of their staffs to the ground.
Light ignited. Blue for Kira and burnt umber for Lieven.
A third color, silver, raced to join them, following Jin's flight path.
Awed murmurs came from the audience as the colors spun around each other, following each flip and twist they'd made during the labyrinth until the light ended in the exact same place they had begun.
"Impressive as always," Lieven said with an admiring stare at the work of art they'd created.
“Not bad for someone who has been out of the game awhile,” Kira prodded.
The faintest of teasing smiles touched Lieven’s face. “Had you not let your skills lapse, it would have been your clear win. As it is, you can barely consider this a draw.”
Kira’s mouth popped open as she sucked in a sharp breath to protest.
She’d totally aced the challenge.
Lieven touched his hands to his heart and then his chin, in a sincere gesture at odds with his previous words. “It was a pleasure competing with you again.”
Kira forgot her irritation. "I guess I should thank you for being a good teacher."
"You were my best student."
Kira let herself feel how much those words touched her, knowing he’d pick up on the emotions.
His guidance during that time in her life and Tierni’s need had pulled her from the darkness she’d fallen into upon waking from her coma.
They’d reminded her of what was important and that although she’d lost more than anyone ever should, she could still make a difference. Maybe not in the same way as before, but a difference nonetheless.
It was only after she left them that she started pulling herself together. It was why Jin finally trusted her with news of Elena.
She owed so much to Lieven and Tierni. She didn’t think she could ever fully repay them.
Kira allowed
her gaze to wander over their surroundings as the crowd stared at the work of art she and Lieven had created, impressed all over again.
While the Haldeel were known for their intricate architecture and exquisite stations, there were still pockets that didn't live up to the rest.
Selt was one such pocket. It was a grim and dark place where every day was a fight for survival.
Almaluk and its many wonders suited Tierni and Lieven much better.
"I’m glad your fortunes turned," Kira said.
Lieven’s stance shifted to one that denoted pleasure. “Me too.”
Before Kira could say anything else, Skye darted in her direction.
“It’s beautiful,” the girl said, her eyes wide with wonder as she stared at the ribbons of light as they wound around each other, the shimmering gold of the labyrinth acting as a backdrop. “More than I ever dreamed.”
There was a wealth of emotion in Skye’s voice. She acted as if Kira had handed her a priceless gift beyond her wildest expectations.
“It has the same feeling I get when I’m on a waveboard,” Skye said.
Kira looked away, uncomfortable. It was true she had Skye’s words in mind when she’d planned her movements. It was just an extra touch, not anywhere near as special as Skye was making it out to be.
Kira’s eyes caught on Alexander as he descended the pyramid and crossed the floor toward them.
Noticing her preoccupation, Lieven asked, "Do you know each other?"
Jin made a low sound. "We wouldn't dare."
Kira frowned at him in warning as Skye looked between them. She was smart enough to keep her questions to herself as Alexander approached.
Jin grumbled to himself but didn’t argue further.
Alexander reached them, focusing exclusively on Kira and acting like Jin was no more important than the drone he pretended to be. "Follow me."
"Of course." Unable to fully resist being a snarky asshole, Kira added with a taunting smile. "Why wouldn't I want to listen to such a kind invitation?"
Skye rolled her lips together to hide her smile as the man's eyebrows twitched at the jab but remained stoic.
Lieven stepped into the awkward silence. "Our apologies za na ri if this seems abrupt. The za na ri na anticipated your request and has already made the necessary preparations."
Kira couldn't hide her surprise.
She knew damn well she'd never shared about Elise all those years ago. Her mental state had been too unstable for one, and she'd been more interested in losing herself in the challenges than exposing her deep emotional wounds.
Seeing her confusion, Lieven's expression softened. "We knew you had a difficult history and didn't feel it appropriate to force you to talk about something that was so obviously painful. That didn't stop us from making inquiries after the fact, however."
"Yes, the Phoenix and her Curs are rather famous. How could they not realize?" Alexander’s tone was bland, but Kira could sense the disapproval lurking beneath the surface.
Kira forced herself not to react. It was what Alexander wanted. Why live down to his expectations when irritating him was so much more fun?
"Please lead the way," Kira said with a stiff smile.
Alexander set off, crossing the room with powerful strides.
Kira lowered her voice. "Locate Raider and make sure he meets us outside."
If he missed this chance, it would be hard to get another one. Kira didn't want to think how he would react if that happened.
He might finally kill her if that was the case.
"I already sent the message."
Kira released a breath. Good. One less thing to worry about.
With that, she stepped off the platform and followed Alexander, battling conflicting feelings of anticipation and anxiety.
It had been so long, and she was so close to the goal she'd made the day she learned Elise wasn't as dead as she'd assumed.
Now she could only hope she was ready.
Kira didn't mind the oppressive silence as they traveled through the station, instead using it as an opportunity to study the man next to her.
At first glance, he was nondescript. Everything about him, from his wire-frame glasses to his conservative clothes, went toward projecting the persona of a scholar. Someone easily overlooked except when it came to the depth of their knowledge.
He was tall but lean, lacking the muscular physique of the oshota Kira was now used to.
While not handsome, he had the sort of features that inspired trust in others. Because of it, he likely made new acquaintances without difficulty.
It was easy to see how he rose to his current rank. In a society where skills and talent outweighed wealth and family status, someone like him would go far.
Yet for the life of her, Kira couldn't figure out what he was doing here.
Such a high-profile position was the complete opposite of what Alexander had gone after in the past. He was someone who preferred remaining in the background, letting others weather the eye of the storm while he slipped along the edges.
Alexander stopped. "If you have a question, just ask it."
Kira considered before shaking her head. "I wouldn't be so presumptuous."
He started walking again.
"I have a colleague I wish to join us," Kira said seconds later.
Alexander peered at her, his glasses helping to hide his emotions. "Do you think that's wise?"
Kira's smile was fleeting. "Everyone keeps asking me that."
"Then perhaps you should take the hint."
"I can't do that."
Alexander sighed. "No, you never could."
They reached another corridor, turning left and heading toward the center of the station where security was much more stringent.
Kira debated bringing up Raider's presence again when Alexander interrupted her. "I've already sent someone to escort him to our destination in advance."
Relief caused Kira's shoulders to loosen.
"You don't have to worry we'll ruin this thing you have going," Kira assured him. "As soon as we've finished our business, we'll be gone again."
Jin was a silent observer as Alexander looked from Kira to Finn where he shadowed them from a few feet away, giving them the illusion of privacy.
"I don't think you ever intend to cause trouble, Kira. Yet somehow, that's always what ends up happening," Alexander said at last.
Kira could have argued, but what was the point? Alexander had long since made his mind up about her. No amount of discussion would change that.
He had his opinions; she had hers. They simply had to agree to disagree.
They approached a Haldeel checkpoint and were quickly waved through.
"What are you doing here anyways?" Jin asked. "I thought you and yours had a policy of noninterference."
"Jin," Kira warned. "You know the rules."
"Aren't you the least bit curious?"
Maybe, but she didn’t want to have this conversation with Finn present.
Alexander wasn't like Selene. If any important secrets were to be exposed in Finn's hearing, Alexander would try to kill him.
Kira wasn't sure he'd succeed—Finn wasn't exactly a pushover—but the damage would be done. She'd like to avoid that sequence of events if possible.
"It doesn't concern us,” she said firmly.
In fact, the less they knew about the forty-three and their plans, the better.
Jin sighed. "Fine. Fine. Forget I asked."
Alexander stopped in front of a door. "We're here."
Kira stared at the door in question but made no move to walk through it.
She’d always thought when she finally caught up to Elise, she wouldn't hesitate. That she would seize the opportunity to fix the mistakes she'd made in the past.
Yet standing here, all she felt was the fear of failure and the yearning for what was.
A decade of planning. Endless nights of grief followed by days where
it took everything she had to crawl out of bed.
All of it leading up to this moment.
It didn't feel real.
At her hesitation, Alexander adjusted his glasses. "It's not my place to say, but I think you're making a mistake."
"You're right. It's not." Kira pressed her hand against the door, unsurprised when it opened under her touch. "You gave up that right long ago."
When he and the rest had refused to consider trying to save Elise.
Kira stepped into a darkened room, barely taking notice of the others standing there. All that existed was the woman seated at a table on the other side of the viewing window.
It was really her.
Kira had prepared to be disappointed, yet there she sat, looking the same as all those years ago.
Her hair was drawn into a messy bun, tendrils escaping to curl around her face. Her eyes held the same bright curiosity Kira saw in Elena's.
Thick, dramatic eyebrows, high cheekbones, and full lips lent her expression a playfulness even when she was trying to be serious.
Kira felt like a hand had reached into her chest and squeezed her heart. Like a floodgate had been released, all the emotions Kira had repressed from that time surged forth. The grief and heartache, the pain and rage.
Kira didn't fight it, immersing herself in those emotions and letting her feel their entirety.
She allowed herself five breaths to experience what she'd spent years trying to ignore.
Only then did she stuff all those emotions into their mental box, nailed a lid down on them, then set the box back on its shelf.
After she finished, she finally looked at Raider.
He leaned against the mirror, his hands stuffed in his pockets, never looking away from the woman who wore Elise's face. "I didn't expect it to feel like this."
"Did they tell you what she did?" Kira asked.
She couldn't afford a Raider who acted emotionally. Just because this looked like Elise, didn't mean it was her.
"They did."
"Do you want to go in, or should I?" Kira finally asked.
A tired laugh came from Raider. "I'm surprised you'd ask that."
Kira avoided his eyes, knowing she deserved that. "You loved her as much as I did."
She didn't regret the things she'd done or the secrets she'd kept, but she did regret the hurt she'd caused.